jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

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Gif Letras, Numeros y Simbolos en Rombos

ADJECTIVE:The part of speech that modifies a noun or other sustantive. it is a word used tu describe people, animal and objects

Example: big- small

ADVERB: It is a word that changes the verb and/or the adjective

Alkali metal: A strongly basic metal like potassium or sodium.


Alluvium: Unconsolidated terrestrial sediment composed of sorted or unsorted sand, gravel, and clay that has been deposited by water


Angular unconformity: An unconformity in which the bedding planes of the rocks above and below are not parallel.ular unconformity


Anthracite: The most highly metamorphosed form of coal, containing 92 to 98 percent of fixed carbon. It is black, hard, and glassy.


Aquifer: A permeable formation that stores and transmits groundwater in sufficient quantity to supply wells.


ARCHIMIDES:was a Greek mathematician, physicist,engineer, inventor, and astronomer. Although few details of his life are known, he is regarded as one of the leading scientist in classical antiquity.


Arkose: A variety of sandstone containing abundant feldspar and quartz, frequently in angular, poorly sorted grains.


Artesian well: A well that penetrates an aquiclude to reach an aquifer containing water under pressure. Thus water in the well rises above the surrounding water table


ARTICLES: word used before nouns.In English the definite article is the, the indefinite article is a or an, and their force is generally to impart specificity to the noun or to single out the referent from the class named by the noun.

Atmosphere : A unit of pressure equal to 101,325 newtons per square meter, or about 14.7 pounds per square inch.


ATOLL: A continuous or broken circle of coral reef and low coral islands surrounding a central lagoon


AXIS:The line, real or imaginary, passing through the center of an object about which it could rotate; a point of reference.


Gif Letras, Numeros y Simbolos en Rombos

Banded iron ore: A sediment consisting of layers of chert alternating with bands of ferric iron oxides (hematite and limonite) in valuable concentrations.

Barchan: A crescent-shaped sand dune moving across a clean surface with its convex face upwind and its concave slip face downwind.


BARREL:A volumetric unit of measure for crude oil and petroleum products.


Basalt: A fine-grained, dark, mafic igneous rock composed largely of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene.
Base-level: The level below which a stream cannot erode; usually sea level sometimes locally the level of a lake or resistant formation.

Basement: The oldest rocks recognized in a given area, a complex of metamorphic and igneous rocks that underlies all the sedimentary formations. Usually Precambrian or Paleozoic in age.

Basic rock: Any igneous rock containing mafic minerals rich in iron and magnesium, but containing no quartz and little sodium rich plagioclase feldspar.

Basin: In tectonics, a circular, syncline-like depression of strata. In sedimentology, the site of accumulation of a large thickness of sediments.


Batholith: A great irregular mass of coarse-grained igneous rock with an exposed surface of more than 100 square kilometers, which has either intruded the country rock or been derived from it through metamorphism.
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Bauxite: A rock composed primarily of hydrous aluminum oxides and formed by weathering in tropical areas with good drainage; a major ore of aluminum.


Bedding: A characteristic of sedimentary rocks in which parallel planar surfaces separating different grain sizes or compositions indicate successive depositional surfaces that existed at the time of sedimentation.


Bed-load: The sediment that a stream moves along the bottom of its channel by rolling and bouncing.


Beta-particle: An electron emitted with high energy and velocity from a nucleus undergoing radioactive decay.


B-horizon: The intermediate layer in a soil, situated below the A-horizon and consisting of clays and oxides. Also called the zone of accumulation.


Biochemical precipitate: A sediment, especially of limestone or iron, formed from elements extracted from seawater by living organisms.


Bituminous coal: A soft coal formed by an intermediate degree of metamorphism and containing 15 to 20 percent volatiles. The most common grade of coal.


Block fault: A structure formed when the crust is divided into blocks of different elevation by a set of normal faults.


Blowout: A shallow circular or elliptical depression in sand or dry soil formed by wind erosion.


Bore: To enlarge and finish the surface of a cylindrical hole by the action of a rotating boring bar (cutting tool) or by the action of a stationary tool pressed (fed) against the surface as the part is rotated.


Butte: A steep sided and flat topped hill formed by erosion of flat laying strata where remnants of a resistant layer protect the softer rocks underneath.

BYTE:Eight related bits of data or an eight-bit binary number. Also denotes the amount of memory required to store one byte of data

uploaded image: There are 8 bits in 1 byte, and 16 bits in 2 bytes. A 16-bit value is called a word.

imagenGif Letras, Numeros y Simbolos en Rombosimagen

Caldera: A large, circular depression in a volcanic terrain, typically originating in collapse, explosion, or erosion.


CALCULUS: The branch of mathematics that deals with limits and the differentiation and integration of functions of one or more variables.


Carbonate ion: The anion group CO3 with a charge of minus two.


Carbonate platform: A submarine or intertidal shelf whose elevation is maintained by active shallow water carbonate deposition.


Carbonate rock: A rock composed of carbonate minerals, especially limestone and dolomite.


Cataclastic rock: A breccia of powdered rock formed by crushing and shearing during tectonic movements.


Cation: Any ion with a positive electric charge.


Central vent: The largest vent of a volcano, situated at the center of its cone.


Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the application of physical science with mathematics, to the process of converting raw material or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms. In addition to producing useful materials, chemical engineering is also concerned with pioneering valuable new materials and techniques, an important form of research and development. A person employed in this field is called a chamical engineer


Chemical weathering: The total set of all chemical reactions that act on rock exposed to water and atmosphere and so change it minerals to stable forms.


CHEMISTRY:is the science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions.


Chert: A sedimetary form of amorphous or extremely fine-grained silica, partially hydrous, found in concretions and beds.


Cinder cone: A steep, conical hill built up about a volcanic vent and composed of coarse pyroclasts expelled from the vent by escaping gases.


Civil engineering:is the branch of engineering hat deals with the design, and construction of public and private works, such as infrastructure ( water supply,treatment etc.), bridges and buildings.

Clastic rock: A sedimentary rock formed from mineral particles (clasts) that were mechanically transported.


Clay: Any of a number of hydrous aluminosilicate minerals formed by weathering and hydration of other silicates; also, any mineral fragment smaller than 1/255 mm.


Coal: The metamorphic product of stratified plant remains. It contains more than 50 percent carbon compounds and burns readily.


Coastal plain: A low plain of little relief adjacent to the ocean and covered with gently dipping sediments.


Composite cone: The volcanic cone of a stratovolcano, composed of both cinders and lava flows.


computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.


Construction:The systematic act or process of building or erecting buildings, roads or other structures.


Contact metamorphism: Mineralogical and textural changes and deformation of rock resulting from the head and pressure of an igneous intrusion in the near vicinity.
